


There are three Step commands — Step Over, Step Into, and Step Out.

To issue a Step command:

The three Step commands differ with respect to where execution will pause afterwards. We’ll use the code in the illustration below to show what the different Step commands mean. In the illustration, we are initially paused at a breakpoint at line 9 (without yet having executed line 9).


All of those details are predicated on the supposition that no breakpoints are encountered. Suppose, for example, that there were an enabled breakpoint at line 5 (and assume that Script > Break on Breakpoints is checked, and that this breakpoint has no conditions). The path of execution passes through line 5, so all three commands would do exactly the same thing — pause at line 5. Breakpoints take priority!

Both Step Over and Step Into can be used not only to resume but also to start execution of a script. In this case they both pause before the first executable line of the script.

Both Step Over and Step Into have the same options for executing handlers as the Execute button.

Breakpoints Trace