You can enter, view, and select delimiters in pairs. Possible delimiter pairs include:
Opening and closing double-quotes ""
(some delimiter commands ignore these)
Left and right parentheses ()
Left and right square brackets []
Left and right curly braces {}
Left and right chevrons «»
(rarely used)
Auto-pairing means that when you type the first of a pair of delimiters, the second delimiter is automatically typed for you.
When you type an opening delimiter with auto-pairing on, the second delimiter appears, and the insertion point is positioned between them, ready for you to type the delimited contents.
To pick an auto-pairing policy:
.”Auto-pairing is intelligent:
Type closing delimiter to skip closing delimiter: When the insertion point is before a closing delimiter that was entered automatically through auto-pairing, if you type the closing delimiter, Script Debugger knows that this is the same closing delimiter that is already present, and skips past the closing delimiter, positioning the insertion point after it.
Surround the selection: Optionally, when text is selected, if you type an opening delimiter with auto-pairing on, the selected text is not replaced; instead, the selected text is surrounded with opening and closing delimiters. This feature is governed by a preference:
Auto-hilite means that when you type the second of a pair of delimiters, the first delimiter is momentarily highlighted. This confirms that you’re balancing delimiters as intended.
If there is no prior matching first delimiter, Script Debugger beeps. This alerts you that the closing delimiter is unbalanced.
To pick an auto-hilite policy:
In the Editor preferences, check or uncheck “Auto-hilite opening ([{
when typing closing }])
Use the slider to set how much delay there should be before the opening delimiter is highlighted.
Check “Scroll if necessary” checkbox if you want Script Debugger to scroll backwards momentarily, if needed, to reveal a balancing opening delimiter that’s not currently visible.
Balance means that you select everything within a pair of delimiters. Script Debugger starts with the current selection or insertion point and looks outward until it reaches a pair of balanced delimiters. To balance:
Choose Edit > Balance.
Or, choose Balance from the contextual menu.
To determine whether balancing should incorporate the delimiters themselves in the selection:
In the Editor preferences, check or uncheck “Balance includes enclosing ([{ }])
If checked, Balance selects everything including the surrounding delimiters.
If unchecked, Balance selects everything within the surrounding delimiters.
Balance considers a comment to be a delimited thing. If you choose Balance when the selection is within a single-line or multi-line comment, the comment will be selected.
Balance considers a block to be a delimited thing. If you choose Balance when the selection is within a code block, the block will be selected.
Balance repeatedly to keep selecting outwards.
Balance is the same feature used for block selection.