The template chooser lets you open a stored script file as a new script. The stored script file is a template. It acts as the basis for your work in a new untitled script. When you edit and save the new untitled script, you’ll save it under a new name and in a new location.
The template scripts displayed by the template chooser fall into categories:
Script Templates. These are template files provided by Script Debugger itself. They are:
perform mail action
command in the Mail dictionary.User Templates. Templates that you create! To make a template:
A template that you create (or any template, actually) includes the content of the script that you save as a template. This includes such features as:
But it does not include the size or view state of the script window. Those are window features, not template features, and come from your new script window appearance defaults.
The content of a template that you create (or any template) can include clipping expansion tags.
You can organize your user templates into categories. To do so, organize them into folders within the Templates folder. A folder in the Templates folder will appear as a category in the left column of the template chooser.