


You can save a script as text, without compiling. The result is an ordinary text file (in UTF-8 encoding).

To do so, do either of the following:


You may need to save a script without compiling for a variety of reasons:

NOTE: If you attempt to save a script and there’s a compile error, Script Debugger will offer, in the Compile Error dialog, to save the script as text.

If you wish, you can specify line endings for a text file. To do so, use the Text Line Endings pop-up menu in the File > Save As dialog. In general you should not have to do this. If you leave the line endings setting at As Is (the default), line endings will be left alone. Any other setting will force line endings to be set at some specific value, and this can alter the functionality of your script (as explained here). (To view line endings as they are now in your script, you can show invisibles.)
