Here are some miscellaneous typing and selection features of Script Debugger.
To navigate with the keyboard, Script Debugger supports a full repertoire of keyboard navigation shortcuts:
Right Arrow and Left Arrow navigate by character.
Option-Right Arrow and Option-Left Arrow navigate by word.
Command-Right Arrow and Command-Left Arrow navigate to the two ends of the current line.
Option-Up Arrow and Option-Down Arrow navigate a line at a time.
Command-Up Arrow and Command-Down Arrow navigate to the start and end of the script.
To select with the keyboard:
To select a line:
Triple-click on the line. You can triple-click-drag to select a stretch of lines.
Click to the left of the line. Just to the right of the gutter is a narrow area where this click works to select a line. You can click-drag to select a stretch of lines.
Click or select anywhere within the line and then type Shift-Command-Right Arrow, Shift-Command-Left Arrow. You can then use Shift-Up Arrow or Shift-Down Arrow to select a stretch of lines.
To start a new line:
Press Command-Return. No matter where the insertion point or selection is in the current line, the current line will be abandoned, and a new line will be inserted below the current line, with the insertion point at its start, ready to type.
To append an AppleScript line-continuation character to the current line at the same time, press Command-Option-Return.
This feature may be combined with auto-closing; for example, if you start in the middle of a tell
line and press Command-Return, then if there is no corresponding end
line, the end
line will be created if auto-closing is turned on.