Script Debugger is a good Mac OS X citizen, and does not heedlessly install files in places where it’s not supposed to. Still, it does install files in a variety of locations, and you might wish to know where these are and what the files do. So here’s a list.
Script Debugger installs Script Debugger 5.0.component here. This file implements debugging, by means of an OSA language. (In Apple’s AppleScript Editor, you will see this OSA language listed as AppleScript Debugger 5.)
Script Debugger maintains caches of application dictionaries here. These caches mean that Script Debugger can open and access dictionaries much more quickly.
Script Debugger keeps various special-purpose folders here:
The Clippings folder is where Script Debugger gets the items to populate the Clippings menu and the clippings inspector.
The Scripts folder is where Script Debugger gets the items to populate the Scripts menu.
The Script Libraries folder is where Script Debugger will automatically look for a library to attach to a script.
The Templates folder is where Script Debugger looks for user templates to be listed in the template chooser.
Script Debugger automatically populates these folders to start with, and you are allowed to modify their contents. If you need Script Debugger to perform its automatic initial population again, move the ~/Library/Application Support/Script Debugger 5 folder aside (for example, drag it to the desktop), then quit Script Debugger and start it up again. Now you can move your own materials back into place if desired.
Script Debugger keeps one preference file here, com.latenightsw.ScriptDebugger5.plist. This contains a lot of information, including state information for various windows, so be aware that if you remove this file, such information will be lost.