This is Understanding Combine, written by Matt Neuburg. Corrections and suggestions are greatly appreciated (you can comment here). So are donations; please consider keeping me going by funding this work at Or buy my books: the current (and final) editions are iOS 15 Programming Fundamentals with Swift and Programming iOS 14. Thank you!
The joiner par excellence is .merge
. Its rule is simple: if an upstream pipeline emits a value, pass it down this pipeline. We’ve already seen an example of a merge-like rule in action: that’s what .flatMap
does if it produces more than one publisher. For example:
.flatMap { _ in
Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common)
.scan(0) {i,_ in i+1}
That pipeline produces
[one-second pause]
[one-second pause]
There are two timers, and they are both producing values simultaneously down the same pipeline. That’s a merge.