


AEPrint view in a value explorer shows the value as it would be communicated through an Apple event.

Here’s the Finder’s desktop in AEPrint view:

'obj '{ 
	'from':'psn '("Finder") 

In the event log, AEPrint view shows the Apple event messages sent to a scriptable application, as well as the replies. Here, we’ve asked the Finder for its window 1:

'core'\'getd' { 
    '----':'obj '{ 
&'csig':65536 } 

'obj '{ 
	'from':'psn '("Finder"), 
	'form':'ID  ', 

If you’re not someone who knows or cares about AEPrint format and raw Apple events, then don’t worry about AEPrint view.

You can show more than one view at once. To do so, hold Shift as you switch views. The result is a split-pane display of multiple views.

Source Explorer View Options and Actions