The biggest challenge for the AppleScript programmer is figuring out what to say to a scriptable application. Script Debugger gives you powerful tools for exploring a scriptable application so that you can quickly write successful scripts targeting it.
You can explore an application’s dictionary. Script Debugger helps you navigate and search the dictionary, and lets you view dictionary information fully and clearly.
You can explore a scriptable application’s objects. For example:
If a scriptable application is running, you can explore its entire current set of objects in real time.
While the application is running, you can see the names and values of the attributes (elements and properties) that it actually has at that moment — and if those attributes are objects, you can see their attributes, and so forth. You can copy a reference to an attribute into your script. You can even change a property value, without writing a script.
If a scriptable application returns an object value as the result of a script or a line of code, you can explore that result.