


Script Debugger’s dictionary display can flatten the display of inherited attributes in the dictionary window’s info pane.

So, for example, if inherited attributes are displayed, then the info for the Finder’s folder class shows you the info for the container class (because folder inherits from container) and the item class as well (because container inherits from item). In fact, the folder class has no attributes of its own; all its properties are inherited from item, and all its elements are inherited from container.

To flatten the display of inherited attributes:

There is a different sort of dictionary flattening, which Script Debugger performs automatically. In some dictionaries, an entry is repeated multiple times. For example, the information about the application class might be distributed over two entries, each in a different suite. (So, for example, in TextEdit’s dictionary, some application class information is in the Standard Suite, some of it is in the TextEdit Suite.) In this case, Script Debugger will display the entry in its multiple locations, but in both places it combines the information from both entries. Thus, no matter which instance of the entry you look at, you will see all the information about that entry.

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